two people checking their marketing translations in blue office

Translation agency for
Marketing translations

Translate marketing texts effectively – so that your messages really get across

The best claim, copy text or editorial content are all worth nothing if the translated advertising message is not properly understood in the target country. That’s why at the translation agency tolingo, we work with native-speaker experts in marketing translation to ensure that your message resonates with your international audience. With a keen sense of flair (and artificial intelligence), we create translations that reach your customers all over the world.

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More than 110,000
satisfied clients

Be part of our success story! Over 110,000 satisfied customers already place their trust in tolingo. When it comes to excellent translations, we are your first choice.

Why us: Marketing translations




Gruppe 27

Translations that excite

By native speakers.

Marketing translations must be adapted to the target group in the respective culture. That’s why, at tolingo, we work exclusively with native-speaker specialist translators who live in the respective country of the target language – this is how authentic, effective and high-quality translations are created. And where it adds value, our highly specialised artificial intelligence provides support.

Gruppe 24

Effective messages

For new market targets.

From social media posts, to information flyers, to your own website, you can reach existing and potential customers even more effectively when you use the right approach. We translate your messages with sensitivity, adapt them to the language habits of your international target group and incorporate your corporate wording. If you wish, a second specialist translator proofreads and adds the final polish to the text.

Gruppe 29

International content

True to the original layout.

Perfectly designed marketing materials win over your customers and encourage them to act. If desired, our specialists can insert the translated text directly into the original document’s layout. And that’s possible for numerous programmes, including Adobe Acrobat, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Keynote, PowerPoint, Quicksilver, Quark Express, Framemaker, Dreamweaver and many more.

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Effective translations for international marketing – we speak your customers' languages

The perfect marketing translation is just as effective as the message contained in the source language. It is complete, correct and – most importantly! – adapted to the language habits of the target group. We therefore work exclusively with qualified, native-speaker translators who live in the country of the target language, understand the culture and linguistic nuances inside out and have had many years of experience translating marketing, PR and advertising texts. Our artificial intelligence is highly specialised and provides support where it adds real value.

The most popular choice for marketing translations is our Premium bundle: Two native-speaker translators create an effective and impactful translation – one translates, while the other corrects and takes care of the linguistic finishing touches. Our AI package (100% machine translation) and our Smart solution (a combination of AI and human translation) are particularly suitable for larger volumes of text, for example, product descriptions for online shops.

Choose a solution that fits

Our standards for your translation




per Word

Fast and focused on the essentials.

Our artificial intelligence translates your text. Experienced specialist translators then check if the core information has actually been translated correctly and, if necessary, improve the text.

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  • 1 business day delivery time*
The most popular choice



per Word

A high-quality translation at a really good price.

We select the best way of getting an effective translation that meets your specifications. We use AI-supported technology only if it measurably improves the quality of the final product.

I want that
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  • 3 business days delivery time*
  • Express option available
  • Super-Express option available



per Word

4-eyes-plus – for the highest standards.

Two experienced translators who specialise in the respective subject area work on your text. The first person translates, the second person corrects and revises the text for style.

I want that
More info
  • 4 business days delivery time*
  • Express option available
  • Super-Express option available
*depending on the amount of text

Find out more about our translation solutions and prices.

Marketing translations

We translate


  • Ad texts
  • Blog posts
  • Catalogues
  • Claims & slogans
  • Copy texts
  • Emails
  • Flyers & brochures
  • Marketing documents
  • Newsletters
  • Online shops
  • Packaging texts
  • Presentations
  • Press releases & PR texts 
  • Product descriptions
  • Social media texts
  • Style guides
  • Websites
  • Whitepapers

Have marketing texts translated – professional & certified

As one of the very few translation companies with a global foothold, tolingo enjoys quadruple certification. Our translation service (ISO 17100), post-editing of AI translations (ISO 18587), quality management (ISO 9001) and information security (ISO 27001) are regularly subject to external auditing, and have been assessed as good. For you, this pays off, above all, in terms of the quality and speed of the translations.

Less Rain Creative Studio Logo

„As an international agency, we need translations in a wide variety of languages and specialised texts from a wide range of fields. tolingo can cover this expansive range. All orders are completed promptly – even with a next day delivery if the deadline demands it. It’s not just us who are impressed by the speed and quality, our clients are too!

Carsten S. // Managing Director Less Rain Creative Studio

Uniform corporate wording & translations directly in the layout – with our add-on services

In advertising copy, the linguistic and graphic details are key – whether it’s in a translation or the original. With the right layout, your translated messages will be even more stimulating; a consistent corporate identity helps you create a professional image and the right communication helps you quickly build brand awareness abroad. This is why these add-on services make particular sense for marketing translations and save you a lot of extra work:

Layout adaptation

For flyers, posters, catalogues and much more: Our graphic and typesetting specialists insert the translation directly in your layout file.

more about layout adaption

Translation memory

We save all your translations and use them for future orders whenever it fits. This way, your texts are consistent, and you save time and money.

more about translation memory

Glossary creation

We create a glossary with your corporate wording. This way, your communication is consistent, and the recognition value of your brand increases.

more about glossary creation

Reach new target groups & markets – in more than 220 language combinations

At tolingo, we work with more than 6,000 specialist translators – all native speakers who are spread across all time zones. We produce high-quality, authentic translations in more than 220 language combinations to help you effectively reach new customers worldwide. Language combinations are particularly in demand in marketing and PR:

For more, have a look at our language overview.


For particularly urgent projects – our (super) express option

The French advertising flyer has to go to press tomorrow, but it hasn’t even been translated from German yet? That important meeting with the international company partners is coming up, and no one has taken care of the English translation for the company presentation? Some translations are needed yesterday rather than today. For those urgent cases, there are our Express and Super-Express options. If you choose one of these, we will go into supercharge mode and produce a high-quality marketing translation for you in the shortest possible time, and deliver it to you on time.

Go for it!
Your perfect solution is here.

Malte Mackeprang
Account Manager
0049 800 55 133 00

Do you need a specialist translator who brings marketing texts to life in any language? Request a quote now! My goal: Your marketing texts should be translated with linguistic finesse – and be ready exactly when you need them.

Malte Mackeprang

Malte Mackeprang
Account Manager
0049 800 55 133 00

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