two colleagues are excited while using machine translation

Translation agency for
Machine Translation

Machine translation – precision & speed thanks to artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a highly useful tool in many industries and areas of life, and the translation sector is no different. Machine translation using AI provides the most significant benefits in the areas of accuracy and speed. Utilising AI in this context also brings down prices, which appeals to many companies that require high volumes of translation.

In contrast to human translation, i.e. translation carried out by specialised human translators, AI is incapable of generating common human syntax errors. Many machine translation tools found online are already delivering satisfactory results to users, although there’s still room for improvement when it comes to style, tone and target-group specifics. When we employ machine translation at tolingo, we select an AI system – depending on the content type – that we have specially configured and tailored to the relevant subject area.

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More than 110,000
satisfied clients

Be part of our success story! Over 110,000 satisfied customers already place their trust in tolingo. When it comes to excellent translations, we are your first choice.

Additional proofreading

We also recommend that you order an additional round of proofreading. Why? Because drawing on the strengths of both machine and human translators together usually delivers the best results of all.

Contact our expert advisors here at tolingo to discuss which translation solution is best suited to your needs.

Why MT: 3 good reasons to choose machine translation





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A safe and secure approach

Here at tolingo, we have configured our machine translation tools ourselves for two reasons: 1. This enables them to produce optimum results. 2. All client data is processed and stored in accordance with data-protection policies. This means that, for example, subsequent translation orders from the same customer can make use of a translation memory which automatically incorporates previously translated passages of text. The benefits of this time-saving process we pass onto you.

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Flawless results

Artificial intelligence (AI) spots every misplaced full stop or comma; it never overlooks an entire passage of text the way a human might. By nature of its design, it cannot produce syntax errors. It’s highly precise and always delivers flawless translations. If your goal is to make large amounts of text available in another language and you’re not concerned about the finer details of the writing style, then machine translation is the perfect tool for your company.

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Complex passages or many documents that would take a human translator several minutes or even hours to decipher? Machine translation (including AI) can solve them in just a few seconds. And this, in turn, has an effect on prices. If you have large volumes of material to be translated that don’t require special attention to detail with regard to writing style or tone, then machine translation may be the right option for you. Ideally, it will be accompanied by light post-editing or full post-editing.

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Affordable translations – that get the job done thanks to human editing

Machine translation delivers results at an unbeatable speed. It produces translations in just seconds – even in the case of large volumes of text. The machine includes all of the original content and text, even the most minor footnote. This saves a huge amount of effort, and also reduces translation prices significantly.

So if it’s important to you to have large amounts of information translated quickly, without emphasis on the finer details of writing style or adaptation to a specific target group, then employing machine translation may well be an excellent option for you. We always recommend having the text subsequently proofread by a human translator, because the most successful results are achieved by the combination of human and computer efforts.

For texts for which a more linguistically nuanced approach is required, however, human translation by our team of experts may be the better choice. We’re very happy to advise you on your options; our team will review samples of your text to determine which translation method is more suitable.

Translations that look good – with all of the original formatting intact

It goes without saying that the machine translation you receive from us will include all of the original document’s formatting. Most online translation services aren’t able to retain text formatting – but that’s not true for us. We always maintain the original design aspects of the document in addition to the machine translation of its content.

We also offer an add-on service, layout adaptation, which allows for even more advanced design considerations. In this case, we’ll incorporate the translated text directly into your layout files. For instance in Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, PowerPoint, Keynote or Framemaker. This means that your company’s in-house or external graphic designer won’t need to waste time positioning the foreign language text in the layout.

For particularly urgent translations:

Express and Super Express

Go for it!
Your perfect solution is here.

Goncalo Silva
Key Account Manager
0049 800 55 133 00

You need a professional Japanese translation? Let me advise you! My goal: Your texts should be perfectly translated – in any language.

Silva, Goncalo

Goncalo Silva
Key Account Manager
0049 800 55 133 00

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