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Proofreading & editing

We proofread and we edit – fine tuning for your texts

With our AI, Smart and Premium translation solutions, you’ll always find the level of proofreading or editing that works for you. However, if you opt for a customised solution, we recommend ordering an additional quality assurance check as well. The choice is yours: Proofreading or editing with a human translation, light or full post-editing with a machine translation.

Contact us! Our experts can advise you as to which level of proofreading best suits your needs.

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Be part of our success story! Over 110,000 satisfied customers already place their trust in tolingo. When it comes to excellent translations, we are your first choice.


For human translation


The result? A translated text with no grammar and spelling errors 


  • Source text is fully translated
  • Carried out according to the briefing
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Spelling
  • (Bilingual) proofreading




The result? A translated text with no grammar or spelling errors and a stylistically correct, easy-to-read text that has been adapted to the target audience.

    • Source text is fully translated
    • Carried out according to the briefing
    • Grammar
    • Punctuation
    • Spelling
    • Writing style
    • Readability
    • Addressed to the target audience

Proofreading – thorough proofreading

With this service, experienced proofreaders ensure that the translation is complete and correct in terms of grammar, punctuation and spelling, and that it has been carried out according to your briefing. If, for example, you have specified certain specialist terms, product names or specific wording, these will, of course, be incorporated into your translation. In addition, we can also check whether the translation is correct in terms of content (bilingual proofreading).

For particularly urgent translations:

Editing – style-conscious proofreading style-conscious proofreading

At our agency, editing is carried out by experienced editors and involves all aspects of proofreading. The end result is a translation that is complete, is free of grammatical errors, has the correct punctuation and spelling, and also includes the specialist terms, names, wording, etc. as per your requirements.

Beyond that, editing also improves (where necessary) the writing style and readability. Editors also pay particular attention to ensuring that the translation is written in a way that is appropriate for its target audience – and that the message also works reliably in the respective cultural context.

For particularly urgent translations:


For machine translation

Light post-editing

Experienced translators edit the machine-translated text. The result? A translated text that is essentially correct in terms of its content 


  • Source text is fully translated
  • Carried out according to briefing
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Spelling




Full post-editing

Experienced translators edit the machine-translated text so that it is no longer distinguishable from a human translation. The result? A translated text with no grammar or spelling errors and a stylistically correct, easy-to-read text that has been adapted to the target audience

  • Source text is fully translated
  • Carried out according to the briefing
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation
  • Spelling
  • Writing style
  • Readability
  • Addressed to the target audience

Light post-editing – understandable information

With light post-editing, experienced translators check whether artificial intelligence has delivered a complete and correct version in terms of grammar, punctuation and spelling and make any necessary improvements. Specifications from your briefing, such as product names, company-specific names and wording, are also incorporated into the revised translation. The text is readable and comprehensible.

Light post-editing is ideal for translating large volumes of text where the goal is more about grasping lots of information quickly than it is about style.

For particularly urgent translations:

Full post-editing – effective messages

Full post-editing is carried out by experienced translators. It includes all the aspects of the light version: Once it has been revised by a human, the machine translation is complete and free of grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors. Specialist terms, names and wording, etc. are also incorporated into the translation as per your requirements.

In addition to this, full post-editing also involves revising the writing style and readability so that the text is no longer distinguishable from a human translation. Our translators ensure that the texts are written in a way that is appropriate for the target audience and are adapted to the respective cultural context of the readership.

Full post-editing is ideal for texts that need to be persuasive in terms of their writing style and readability and suitable for the cultural context.

For particularly urgent translations:

Go for it!
Your perfect solution is here.

Goncalo Silva
Key Account Manager
0800 55 133 00

Looking for a proofreading? Simply upload your file and describe your project. And we will take it from there! 

Silva, Goncalo

Goncalo Silva
Key Account Manager
0800 55 133 00


Key questions - and all the answers

  • What is proofreading?

    Professional proofreading is a review of a text in which the proofreader checks and corrects grammar, spelling and punctuation. At tolingo, this service is applied to translations which our translators have produced.

    The correction of the target text always takes place based on your briefing and usually covers the entire translation. The major focus here is on correctness in the most formal sense – in other words, correct spelling and grammar, as well as the content in the target language. Proofreading is carried out only on the target language, i.e. the proofreader does not compare the original text with the translation.

  • What is editing?

    Professional editing goes far beyond mere proofreading (which would be reviewing and correcting just the grammar, spelling and punctuation). An editor generally compares both texts (in the source and target language), corrects spelling and grammar errors, rewrites passages for linguistic or style reasons whenever necessary and also adjusts the translation to better suit the specific target group.

    Subtext (information that is not explicitly stated) that has not been successfully carried over into the translation is consistently and appropriately inserted during the editing process; this is particularly important for texts that contain emotion-based content or are intended to motivate the reader to take action. To ensure that these messages also reach your international target group with the right tone, we’ll adapt the translation stylistically and linguistically to the cultural context. To do this, we work exclusively with native speakers who usually live in a country where the target language is spoken. As a result, your translations will be not only error-free, but also flawlessly well-written, authentic and appealing.

  • What’s the difference between proofreading and editing?

    The main difference between proofreading and editing lies in the extent of the service. Both services include basic proofreading of a text (in our case, a translation) and correction of grammar and obvious errors. For a purely proofreading job, our proofreaders look only at the translated text. Editing additionally entails altering the text with regard to style, readability and appropriateness for the target group. To do this, our editors compare the translated text with the source document.

    Both of these services follow what we call the “four-eye principle”. This means that the translation and review (incl. adjustment) are carried out by two separate people. While proofreading focuses mainly on correct spelling, editing ensures that the text is also optimised, linguistically and stylistically.

  • When is it worthwhile for me to order the proofreading or editing of my translation?

    As a general rule, we believe that: The more complex a source text and the more technical the terminology in the original, the more useful it is for your translation to undergo a review step. Whether proofreading or editing is the right choice in an individual case depends primarily on the intention and complexity of the source text. Here at tolingo, both of these review steps can only be combined with human translation.

    Proofreading is suitable for factual and descriptive texts where the information is more important than the style. Formal errors are identified and improved, resulting in a grammatically and orthographically correct translation of the original text. For texts that draw on the readers’ emotions or seek to motivate them to take action (especially in marketing), editing can be a decisive factor in effectively communicating a message to your audience in the target language. During the editing process, a translation is checked for formal as well as linguistic and stylistic correctness, and adapted for the corresponding target group.

  • When is light post-editing the right choice? What about full post-editing?

    Light post-editing and full post-editing can only be combined with machine translation. In terms of content, the two relate to each other in a similar way as proofreading and editing do in human translation.

    Light post-editing is ideal for translating large volumes of text where the goal is more about grasping lots of information quickly than it is about style. Experienced translators review whether the translation by the artificial intelligence is correct and complete in terms of containing the essential information.

    Full post-editing is particularly useful for texts that need to be persuasive in terms of their writing style and readability as well as suitable for the cultural context. Our experienced translators perform all the light post-editing services (grammatical and form-related review and proofreading) as well as adapt the text linguistically and stylistically for your target audience. The result is a machine translation that is indistinguishable from a translation carried out by an experienced human translator.

  • Why do I need a review step for my translation at all?

    Humans make mistakes – and professional translators and native speakers aren’t exempt from that rule, of course. Artificial intelligence technology has not yet reached full maturity, either. So a second pair of eyes scrutinising a translation can be very useful. Human translations can be affected by typos or spelling mistakes, for example, while machine translations sometimes lack subtlety or finesse. With our review steps, we resolve these sources of error by correcting your text, either only grammatically or additionally optimising it for your target group.

    If you want to increase the quality of your translations with a review step, we’d be happy to offer personal advice to help you choose the right solution.

  • Is proofreading available for every language?

    We’ll review, correct and optimise your translations in German, English, Italian, Spanish, French, Chinese and many other languages. As a general rule, you can add a review step to any translation job as an add-on service. When ordering, specify which type of review step you would like for your translation and we will prepare a customised quotation for you based on your requirements. If you don’t know exactly which type of review makes the most sense for your project, we’ll be happy to advise you, of course!

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